Tuesday, November 8, 2011

North Africa Trip - Day 3,4, & 5

The good news is, we made it back from our hike in the mountains without too many bumps and bruises. The bad news is, we are all a little gimpy and worse for wear (except Tim, who is 21...Aw, to be young again)! However, we did have an amazing time! Our primary goal on these hiking trips is to help our missionary scout out new villages and make new contacts. It is can dangerous (because of the possibilty of injuries and lack of emergency resources) to try to accomplish alone, which is why it is beneficial to have us go along with him. It is also a great chance for us to fellowship with and encourage our brother in Christ! Many people forget that our missionaries are often very isolated from any other believers and therefore miss out on one of the key aspects of church: fellowship. That said, we (Tim, Ben, and I) had an amazing time of fellowship with our brother in Christ! Unfortunately, we didn't get to make as many contacts as usual because of the major festival occuring during our visit; but, we did explore many places and villages where our missionary had never been before. And we did meet one young man in particular who was willing to let us camp out in his yard, and brought us bread and tea for breakfast. This is exactly the type of meeting that can lead to further corespondence and ministry opportunities in the future.

For the next two days, all six of us will travel together to the village named "The Moon" with our entire missionary family. This is the same village that Hope, Sammy E. and I visited last year; and that Todd, and the Spring NA team visited and built a fence in early this year. We will be conducting some basic first aid/hygene clinics with the adults and doing crafts and playing games with the kids. Please pray that God will continue to move in the hearts of the people in this village! Once again, we all want to thank you for your continued prayers as we seek to spread the glory of God to "the ends of the earth".


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