Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Fitting Finale - Youth Choir Mission Trip Day 5

Today was a fitting finale to a trip we will never forget. Thanks to everyone at home for praying for us and keeping up with our updates from San Antonio. Today we sang for people with different kinds of needs. The state hospital and state school where people had severe mental and physical handicaps, yet displayed a joy in the Lord and a longing for Him that we all should share. Then the grand finale of the trip - a worship service at the Church Under the Bridge. The people of this church, though many of them are homeless and have very little by the world's standards, they were rich in love for the Lord and showed their kindness to us. They are a congregation that loves to worship the Lord, and are very responsive in worship. Our students led with all their heart in singing, playing their instruments, preaching, and praying with the people of this congregation. It was a powerful time of worship and many responded to the Lord tonight. We are thankful for the opportunities we have had on this mission trip. Many students have learned to share their faith for the first time. Others have grown in their boldness to share their faith. We have all learned to see the needs of those around us and to be prepared to meet those needs in Jesus' name. Yes, tonight was a fitting finale. It was a night of worship, and that is what has defined this trip. We give thanks to God - He is good and His love endures forever.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Youth Choir Mission Trip Day 4

It has been a blessed day of ministry in San Antonio. After a time of sightseeing at the Alamo this morning, we spent the afternoon at the Hector Garza Adolescent Treatment Center. It was a Divine Appointment for us today. As our choir worshiped, walls were broken down and hearts became open to the Gospel. It truly made 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 come to life for me today. "But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you." As we proclaimed the truth of the Gospel through music today, hearts were open, and we saw this scripture revealed before us. Many accepted Christ for the first time. Others, who had made Christ their Savior earlier in life but walked away were drawn nearer to Him and challenged to walk closely in the Word and in prayer. Some fell on their faces in worship, and the secrets of their hearts were revealed. It was a special time of ministry as our students shared their testimonies and shared God's word one on one with other students - for many it was their first experience sharing their faith in a one on one situation. It was a day we will never forget, and one that will spur us on to do more and share more. Thank you for your prayers. The Holy Spirit did the work and we got to be a part of the harvest today. To God be the glory!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Youth Choir Mission Day 3

It has been a wonderful day in San Antonio. After another day of working and serving on Saturday, we were ready to come together this morning with the people we had been serving and worship. Our students led the service, from prayers to scripture reading and sharing testimonies, along with wonderful singing. To God be the glory! It was a moving service for the church, and the best part was a young man making a profession of faith in Christ! Thanks be to God! The people of Baptist Temple have made a lasting impression on our hearts as we pray we have displayed the likeness of Christ to them. We covet your prayers as we sing five times over the next two days. As the trip progresses our opportunities to share the Gospel in small group setting increases. Pray for strength and stamina as we all are a little weary. Pray for our voices to remain strong, and for our hearts to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have in Christ. We are thankful to be here serving, and for our church family who is praying. Thanks be to God.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Youth Choir Mission San Antonio

This was the first full day of working on the field in San Antonio. Our church host, Baptist Temple of San Antonio provided wonderful work experiences for our students, both on the church grounds, and with some of their members who needed a helping hand and a kind word and the encouragement of a visit in their home. Our students were touched by the needs that they saw, and the way their work and their visits were encouragement to other believers. We look forward to worshiping with the church family at Baptist Temple on Sunday. Tomorrow night we have our first concert. We will sing a pregame concert at the San Antonio Missions baseball game. We are excited to proclaim the name of Jesus in song before so many people, and to have the chance to visit with them during the game. Continue to pray for us as we go. Everyone is a little tired tonight, and we need to keep our strength as we are getting to the busy singing days of our trip. The Lord has been mighty and we trust Him to bring a great harvest as we sing and share His word.