Monday, August 8, 2011

Sturgis Day Three

We were able to work at the evangelism tent this morning from 9 till 1 pm this afternoon.
As of this morning we have seen over 70 people pray to receive Christ. I don't have the totals for the end of today but I will try to post them tomorrow. The day started out rather slowly. It seemed as if people were very skeptical about coming into the tent to hear the Gospel. At one point a group of the faith riders decided to go to the back of the tent and pray for God to move among the people. Shortly thereafter we began to see more and more people willing to allow us to speak with them. As I looked around I saw every faith rider sharing the gospel with someone else. Someone reported that a couple from Sweden had given their hearts to Christ.
I can't over emphasize enough how much we need prayer warriors praying for us tomorrow. We will be in the tent from 1:30-5:00 pm central time. If you would be willing to pray for us, please post your comment so we will know of your support.
God bless you
Bro Mark


  1. Have been and will pray for you. Remember Satan has no weapon against love. May you all feel such love for each individual that they absolutely feel the presence of all you say and do, and may it break down the barriers they have spent years building. May His peace and protection surround you. J.Willis
