Thursday, July 21, 2011

Quito Day Six

Another fruitful day as we journeyed to Maranatha Baptist Church in South Quito.
The people were already lined up ready for our arrival.  The church members were ready too and had set up tables, chairs, and rooms ready for our clinic to begin.
Pastor Ramiro and his family were so gracious to us all day long.  We saw almost 300 people by 3 pm.  One of those patients was a little lady who was 94 years old.
She could barely walk and was so grateful for our coming.

I got the opportunity to share the Gospel multiple times today using the Big Cube.
It's basically a large version of the evangecube.  People were very responsive and many gave their hearts to Christ.
The church prepared us a snack of empenadas as we got ready to go home.
We anticipate even a larger crowd tomorrow as the "word" gets around town.
We look forward to our final day of clinics but we'll miss the sweet fellowship of this dear church as we make preparations to come home on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. EvangeCubes, empanadas, Shekinah, Maranatha--what a memory-making trip you are having!
    Praying for you today as you finish up the clinics.
    Can't wait to hear more. I love the blog posts.
